Sunday, March 29, 2015

My Reservation Ideas

Reading Diary of a Part-time Indian has opened my eyes to many things. It's always easy to get caught up in one opinion or view until it has been proven wrong. That's why it was so simple of me to have the complete opposite view of reservations. I always thought that the Native Americans living on reservations were actually stoic replicas of Native Americans living in the museums and our history books. My mind never grasped the very real thought of reservations being anywhere near modern. Either racist or ignorant of me, I'm not quite sure which side is more represented, this was unfortunately a completely false idea. Whenever I would think of a rez I would think of completely barren land; a couple of farms and animals here; a couple of people wearing their ancient clothes and mud brick/ stone/ or wooden houses. The only idea that I had of Native Americans living on reservations is that they wanted to preserve their culture as much as possible. Of course this is true. In Part-Time Indian they still keep similar jargon, traditions, beliefs, and hope, although it's not as spot on as I thought. I never had a modern look at a reservation life. They wear normal clothes; I thought they would still wear their infamous buckskins, moccasins, and buffalo robes of even be half naked.. Native Americans have advanced along with America. Their reservations aren't pure grass and old culture, a mistake I made.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Our Bigger: Native Sons

    It's nice to see that Bigger had at least one person on his side in the last book. That one person was his lawyer, Max, who continued to advocate for Bigger and his situation regardless of what the outcome was going to be. I find it interesting that Max was able to explain Bigger's situation and case to a T. Instead of putting all the full blame on Bigger, Max justified that if society wasn't the way that it was then this would've never happened. He said it was the white world and white men that put this ignorance into Bigger's mind. Bigger didn't understand how a white person could be nice to him, and after committing the crime, he didn't understand how they could NOT kill him. This is why Bigger presumably fled. Max, the communist, explained Bigger, the black boy's, case better than well. In fact it was detailed so intricately so that everyone in the courtroom could have a full understanding of the situation. Although the odds were not in their favor due to their social positions. 
    I find it interesting that two groups who are considered minorities would stick together and try to advocate for themselves. Earlier in the book we were discussing how Peggy was Irish and that's why she may have more of a feel for Bigger. Same with Jan and Max, they both were Communists, and they too displayed their apologies. I would thinks that two groups that have been powerless for so long would in fact fight each other every time they could get a small taste, and not be so open to benefitting each other.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What to do about Janie

      Throughout the literature, Janie has been a very prominent character. In fact the whole story is centered around her. The author portrays Janie as a very beautiful woman who often gets mistreated by her spouses. The only reason why Janie ended up with them is pressure from outside sources. Her grandmother introduced her to Logan Hillicks, and in an attempt to break from that she felt the urge to be with Jody Starks. Of course she believed she actually liked Joe at first, but that soon changed when he began to issue control over her. Janie very rarely ever made a decision for herself, until she met Vergible Wood or Tea Cake. His good looks and charm captivated her. She soon began to wonder how he could like her as much as he proposed, and if he was using her instead. Around this part of the novel and throughout we see Janie struggling with being free. She had been chained her whole life and now it's finally time for her to make a decision for herself regarding what she really wants, and she's terrified of the possible outcomes. She wasn't able to experience different characters while with Joe. Maybe the idea of Tea Cake loving her is confusing. She's never experienced that emotion towards her and may not know how to deal with it. I believe the author portrayed Janue this way to represent the reoccuring sexism in our society.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

To be Thankful

Who am I thankful for? Honestly everyone. Although one person I'd like to give a big thanks to is Alejandro Garcia. Alejandro came to my school in 7th grade, the new kid, and shy. Well he had never really been shy. We didn't really become friends until we had english together last year, and even still I barely see him. I'd just like to give a big thanks to him for inspiring me to be a more original person. From his great vocals to his daring personality Alejandro is a great friend to have.

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Principle We Should Keep

   A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
  1. "the basic principles of Christianity"

    "elementary principles"


      There are many principles that we are said to have. Why is not adhering to a principle such a big crime? 
      There are principles of keeping your home clean, there are even many principles that have sprung from the Bible, such as keep your mind "pure" or respect your parents, although whether you abide to them or not is no one else's business but yours. Us, as humans are upheld to a certain standard, given rules (principles), and chained to a social leash which forbid us from ever straying off path. Principles are just silly ways of telling people whats wrong and whats right. No matter how twisted they may be we still need them to set a standard  in society. One principle we should keep is the principle of respect. With out respect the whole system would be thrown out of whack. There would be no honor or poise or peace or wellbeing or the urge to be kind. Most people would be ruder or more "disrespectful", this will cause problems in itself. Mental illness would probably spring from the lack of confidence the disrespected person will obtain.Even the principle of kindness might not be at work anymore. How many times have you heard "I don't respect her... why should I be nice?" ? It isn't very rare. a lack of respect for other individuals leads to a lack of respect and love for yourself. Now doesn't that seem like a twisted up world?

Monday, September 29, 2014

6 Six Words Stories

Woke up, sorry, I had drowned.


RINGGGGG. The chime screams for help. 

"Heart's pounding, Luisa, With every step"

A wreckage, an ambulance, and I.

John dove under the quilted blanket. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

John Proctor : Hero or Stooge?

When I hear the word stooge I immediately think of that silly Christmas movie, and I couldn't help but wonder "is this really who John Proctor is?" Is he this horrible, cooped up character wanting to shine evil on the whole world? I think he's the exact opposite in fact. what exactly makes someone a hero? Is it the fact that they have "saved" something or someone. The fact that I believe John Proctor to be wanting to end the Salem witch trials makes him a hero. Sure of course he hesitated to throw Abigail under the bus when he had the chance, that was only to protect his good name. The fact that he then sacrificed that reputation only to save Elizabeth proves him to be  hero-worthy to me. John Proctor has had many lies and flaws in his character that may lead us to believe that he is nothing more than a mere old man, but I believe all of his lies add up to a good cause; him wanting to end the injustices.