Thursday, November 27, 2014

To be Thankful

Who am I thankful for? Honestly everyone. Although one person I'd like to give a big thanks to is Alejandro Garcia. Alejandro came to my school in 7th grade, the new kid, and shy. Well he had never really been shy. We didn't really become friends until we had english together last year, and even still I barely see him. I'd just like to give a big thanks to him for inspiring me to be a more original person. From his great vocals to his daring personality Alejandro is a great friend to have.

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Principle We Should Keep

   A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
  1. "the basic principles of Christianity"

    "elementary principles"


      There are many principles that we are said to have. Why is not adhering to a principle such a big crime? 
      There are principles of keeping your home clean, there are even many principles that have sprung from the Bible, such as keep your mind "pure" or respect your parents, although whether you abide to them or not is no one else's business but yours. Us, as humans are upheld to a certain standard, given rules (principles), and chained to a social leash which forbid us from ever straying off path. Principles are just silly ways of telling people whats wrong and whats right. No matter how twisted they may be we still need them to set a standard  in society. One principle we should keep is the principle of respect. With out respect the whole system would be thrown out of whack. There would be no honor or poise or peace or wellbeing or the urge to be kind. Most people would be ruder or more "disrespectful", this will cause problems in itself. Mental illness would probably spring from the lack of confidence the disrespected person will obtain.Even the principle of kindness might not be at work anymore. How many times have you heard "I don't respect her... why should I be nice?" ? It isn't very rare. a lack of respect for other individuals leads to a lack of respect and love for yourself. Now doesn't that seem like a twisted up world?